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Montecasino Media Information

Working with the Media

Montecasino values the role played by the media in communicating our objectives, developments, and updates to the public. Our external communication strategy is designed to engage media sources to provide current, accurate and relevant information regarding Montecasino.

We recognise the need for efficient public communication to inform our guests, and the public of newsworthy developments at Montecasino. In line with professional standards, and our mandate to create great experiences, we strive to create a climate of positive and productive interaction with the press as well as our guests.

Filming at montecasino

Montecasino has become a popular location shoot destination, with its aged Tuscan buildings, quaint cobbled walkways, fountains and beautifully landscaped gardens. If you are looking to use Montecasino as a location for a film or photographic shoot, please view our guidelines and complete the Query Form.