Name Our New Baby Green Anaconda And Stand A Chance To Win A Free Pass To The Bird Gardens For A Year!
We are thrilled to announce our new addition to the green anaconda family. Slithering as the world’s largest snake species, we can’t wait to see our precious girl grow to her full potential, even if it means growing to a length of around 8 meters. She may be slow and awakward on land, but in water, she becomes a fast and agile predator! With your help, we can name our baby anaconda who is slithering her way into our hearts and her families. All you need to do to stand a chance to win a free to our bird and wildlife park for the year is as simple as purchasing an entrance ticket to the bird gardens and completing the competition entry form. Remember your Bird Gardens tickets could also win you a fully furnished apartment at Munyaka plus R3.5 million in cash! Visit the Bird Gardens today!