Poker has its origins in the beginning of the 16th century and has steadily gained popularity ever since. It has gone from being primarily a recreational activity confined to small groups of enthusiasts, to a widely popular spectator activity with international audiences and multi-million dollar tournament prizes.
Select a game for more info:
Traditional poker
Montecasino offers an exclusive area dedicated to Poker which has 8 Traditional Poker tables.
Raise'em Poker Xtra Progressive
There are 10 Tables with Raise 'em Poker Xtra, with progressive jackpots as high as 7 million Rand.
Raise ‘em Poker Xtra is an exciting progressive side bet, which is played in addition to your Ante Bet (Initial Wager).
be played if you have placed an Ante bet.
R25 Progressive Jackpot
Place your bet on the main casino floor and smoking casino floor with a minimum jackpot value of R100,000.
R100 Progressive Jackpot
Place your bet in the Club Select and Privè floors with a minimum jackpot of R500,000.
Main Casino Floor, Non- Smoking : PK01, PK08
Main Casino Floor, Smoking Casino : PK05, PK11, PK13
Main Casino Floor, Club select : PK10, PK14
Privè: PK09, PK12
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